The Progressive Lady
Olive & Tristan! - Amelia & Beyond!
Hey progressive people! For this week's episode, we have our very own Olive and her famous husband... Tristan! (Ft. Baby Benjamin!) Emotions may have gotten the best of some of us but... this episode is pretty entertaining so I guess there is that!
Amelia 💗
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Thanks for joining us on our new journey!
Host: Amelia Rodriguez (@amazingassistantamelia)
Host: Liam Greene (Doesn’t believe in social media.)
Guest: Olive & Tristan Sabbatini! (@sabbatinisvstheworld)
Editor/Camerawoman/Savior: Zoey Porter
Colorist: Ashton Thomas (@ashtonthomas1717)
Produced by: The Progressive Lady Video Production Team, Zoey Porter, Amelia Rodriguez, John.
Theme song sung, played, written, produced by Karlee Abrahamian!
Instagram: @karlee_abrahamian
Music Producer: Brian Sidders!
Instagram: @Briansidders
Special thanks to TPL Video Production Team, Zoey, Liam, John, Sloan CEO, Mom, Gwen and Gary Greene & Abuelita for making this possible!
SUBSCRIBE to The Progressive Lady!
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Follow us on instagram: @theprogressivelady
Follow Amelia on instagram: @amazingassistantamelia
Tiktok: @theprogressivelady
Are you all caught up on our first season TPL meetings?
Click this link to watch them all and have a bit more context:
Amelia & Beyond is a talk show brought to you by TPL media team, where Amelia interviews some of her friends and coworkers. As you can imagine, chaos may or may not ensue. A multimedia series, you can interact with Amelia and the company on YouTube, email, Instagram and tiktok!
A Web Series Created By: Amanda Dayhoff & Charis Tshihamba
Directed by: Amanda & Charis & Clara Onorina
Episode Written By: Charis Tshihamba (@charisbobaris)
Story by: Amanda & Charis
DP: Bethany Meagher (@bethanymerrr)
Producers: Amanda Dayhoff, Charis Tshihamba, Clara Onorina, Nina Chatman, Women Aren’t Funny Productions
Edited: Amanda Dayhoff
TPL Logo/Poster Art By: Brian Sidders
Amelia Logo: Katie Steuernagel (@katiethelittlelady)
Amelia Show Poster Art: Amanda Dayhoff
Theme song sung, played, written, produced by Karlee Abrahamian!
Instagram: @karlee_abrahamian
Music Producer: Brian Sidders!
Instagram: @Briansidders
Amelia: Amanda Dayhoff (@amandadayhoff)
Zoey: Kaitlyn Miller (@_kaitmiller)
Liam: Stefn Sandberg (@stefn_7)
Olive: Mayreni Sweis
Tristan: Sam Bixby